Climate Global Control Trading, LLC. Steers Tropical Cyclone Ashobaa
In agreement of our company and Abu Dhabi, was a task to deposit precipitation in the territory of the UAE in the period of end of May to July of 2015.
Before the start of the work, our company prepared several documents about our steps of solving the task, which we were following during the demonstration work. For example, through our work was formed a cyclone ASHOOBA, which was transferred from the Indian ocean to the coast of Oman, and which brought a huge amount of precipitation to the territory of Gulf and UAE in particular.Through our work temperature in the region was decreased significantly, was increased humidity and other climate conditions became much comfortable. The effect was saved till several weeks, but every day after the end of our work was getting less and less. Many of independent sources, such as NOAA, PMD and others, confirmed the significant increase of precipitation (up to 800% of normal) in the desired area.
For better understanding of our work we attach some NON-CONFIDENTIAL documents and ready to answer any questions.
1) Project of our Scenarios on the first half of the demonstatrion work.
2) Project of our Scenarios on the second half of the demonstatrion work.
3) The history of ASHOOBA development from "Pakistan Meteorological Department"
4) Example of the forecast of moving the ASHOOBA made by from 07.06.2015, which matches to our scenarios, made in the end of May.
5) Link on Wikipedia about ASHOOBA
6) Effects of our work on the examples of Mass Media:
- Rain and hailstorms lash northern parts of Omanon June 5, 2015
- Weekend hail, thunderstorms to be followed by more rain in UAEon June 7, 2015
- UAE coast spared brunt of cyclone Ashoobaon June 11, 2015
7) Report of independent meteorologist about climate changes in the UAE during our work [1]
Ionospheric Technology for Weather Management
A brief summary about the company “Climate Global Control Trading L.L.C.” The company Climate Global Control Trading L.L.C. (CGCT) is a supplier of integrated technology solutions, specializing in project design, planning and implementation of Ionospheric Technology for Weather Management.
Climate Global Control Trading LLC is the world's leading Supplier of water resources of atmospheric origin on the global market of water resources and other various weather services.
Climate Global Control Trading LLC has many years of successful experience in the use of an unique Innovative Technology for Weather Manangement in the UAE, Iran, India (Mumbai State) and other countries.
Company Climate Global Control Trading LLC has a strong basic team of the Science and Research Sector, that has evolves within the last thirty years and consists of more than 400 high-educated, uniquely experienced professionals and experts from the former of USSR, who now live and work in many countries.
Moreover, in the case of need, company Climate Global Control Trading LLC can involve to participation in scale projects up to 3000 specialists from over the world.
With its recognized team of highly skilled professionals, the company guarantees clients effective of all resources, with the emphasis on top quality climatic services in accordance with Innovative Technology for Weather Management.Equipment
Hardware technology "Controlled Weather Change" presents a distributed network of antenna systems fundamentally new type.
Antenna complexes are located in areas of active weather-forming processes in the Indian Ocean region.
Antenna complexes are fully autonomous, non-volatile; with a high level of redundancy (it provides a completely safe control of all atmospheric processes).
The information about the location and composition of equipment is strictly confidential [2]
Created the “Climate Cron” cryptocurrency for water.
"CRON Exchange" is an international cryptocurrency exchange, created on a blockchain technology, and where cryptocurrency CLIMATE CRON freely will circulate. [3]
BITonFly LLC is the first world company, created in order of monetization of global market of water resources, using a new financial instrument - a universal cryptocurrency CLIMATE CRON, based blockchain technology. Cryptocurrency CLIMATE CRON is a new financial instrument, based on a blockchain technology, and it is provided by a real asset - fresh water, and it is intended for free circulation at cryptocurrency exchange "CRON Exchange" and serves as a universal means of payment for the participants of global market of water resources. The initial value of 1 CLIMATE CRON is equal to the cost of 1 barrel of fresh water. [4]